Xampp V.3.2.2 Install করার পর Apache এবং Mysql ২ টাই রান করছিলো না,
Solve for Apache: Go to the config file for apache httpd.conf
Change the port from 80 to 88
Re-run apache. It will run
Solve for Apache: Go to the config file for apache httpd.conf
Change the port from 80 to 88
Re-run apache. It will run
Solve for Mysql: Go to Command Prompt Windows+R then Type cmd
From administrator mode type 'sc delete mysql' & press Enter
Re-run Apache, Apache should run.
If still you can not access phpmyadmin
Step 01: Stop Mysql from xampp control panel
Step 03
Then, locate 'resetroot.bat' file and to edit it with notepad, run the following command in the command prompt.
Step 04
Find 'bin\mysqld.exe' in the .bat file & in the same line locate a text simliar to '--no-defaults'. Add the following text after leaving a space. Save the file.
Step 05
Now, run resetroot.bat using Command Prompt. Then, Start MySQL service using XAMPP Control Panel.
That's it. You can reach PhpmyAdmin. Thank You.
If still you can not access phpmyadmin
Step 01: Stop Mysql from xampp control panel
Step 02
Then, Run Command Prompt & go to the 'mysql' installation directory. In my case, It's C:/xampp/mysql.
cd d:/xampp/mysql
Then, locate 'resetroot.bat' file and to edit it with notepad, run the following command in the command prompt.
notepad resetroot.bat
Step 04
Find 'bin\mysqld.exe' in the .bat file & in the same line locate a text simliar to '--no-defaults'. Add the following text after leaving a space. Save the file.
Step 05
Now, run resetroot.bat using Command Prompt. Then, Start MySQL service using XAMPP Control Panel.
That's it. You can reach PhpmyAdmin. Thank You.